I'm a relatively new blogger -- I've only been at it for about a year and a half now. But in that time, I have come across some amazing blogs that offer so much inspiration for me as a follower of Christ, a wife, a mother, an artist, and a home maker. So today I am expressing my gratitude for all of the bloggers that inspire me in my faith and journey through life.
I'm listing a few of them in case they might inspire you, as well:
Ann Voskamp @ Holy Experience
Sally Clarkson @ I Take Joy
Kat @ Inspired to Action
Emily @ Chatting at the Sky
Emily @ Imperfect Prose
If you would like to read more about my own spiritual journey as I undergo cancer treatments for aggressive large B cell lymphoma, you're welcome to join my family here at CaringBridge. Incredibly, others have been inspired -- so perhaps you will, too. My hope is that you will see the Holy Spirit at work as you read our story! My sister (of All About You Video Productions) and husband just put together an amazingly beautiful video about the journey so far. I am so blessed!

Thank you for sharing these links. I am going to read your story. Hugs to you and have a wonderful day.