I was really tired today, but restless, and I figured my Art Lady might return from her day off tomorrow and ask me if I'd done anything so that I could at least "have something" -- so I did these:
I felt like playing with pastels, and this image of (kinda) me holding up my hands before the bright light of the Holy Spirit was stuck in my head -- so I went with that. It kinda reminds me of the painting that I did last year -- "This Life was Meant to Shine." Totally different significance, though very similar concept of imagery.
As you can see, I was multi-tasking. Great set-up, don't you think? Home office/art studio -- all on a hospital bed table!
I still felt like playing, and wanted to draw a tree for some reason -- but wasn't sure how to go about making one that, well, I would like. I looked for some images online to inspire me and decided to go with some basic birch trees. I liked the idea of them standing bright in the pitch black night. The caption is "Brightness in the black of night" -- sorry for the lousy photography!
Are there any images that speak to you in some way these days?
Well, I wasn't sure I'd be inspired to actually create some art today -- but I opened my Art to Go case and started pulling things out anyway. I took a quick look at an art journaling book my Mom gave me for my birthday, and decided I'd do something along those lines. The prompt that caught my eye was about gratitude -- totally up my alley these days. But the collage images (from old calendars) that I had on hand were of cats. Having experienced a wonderful woman I call The Cat Lady here in the hospital, I knew my journal page was going to have to be about her! (You can read about her antics on my CaringBridge website if you're interested.)
Here is the result of my play (sorry the bottom of the picture is a bit over-exposed, making it a blur of white):
While I was working, a lady named Hilde came around emptying the garbage. When she saw my art supplies spread out, she began to ask questions about what I was painting -- and I got all embarrassed about my lack of artistic expertise. She examined some of the calendar paintings and made intelligent observations about them -- and I felt even more artistically challenged. It turns out that she had taken care of the last living member of the Group of Seven, A.J. Casson! She said he always told her "You need to learn to draw before you can paint." We chatted some more about preferences in art -- she loves nature as a subject, but there must be a building of some sort in the painting -- and she encouraged me in what I described as my art therapy. She said, "If you don't do anything, you will have nothing! Just do something!"
So, I did something :)
Have you done "something" lately -- even though you didn't know what you were setting out to do?
When I started this blog, I thought it was prudent to be fairly anonymous. You know -- it's the internet and all. But as my involvement in online activities has spread, it has been more of a challenge to be known in cyberspace simply as "xinme" -- which stands for "Christ in me." And since I value all my readers and "cyber friends," it has pained me not to be able to keep up lately with this special space I've come to love. So, at the suggestion of my almost-teen son, I'm throwing anonymity to the wind and inviting you all to visit with our family over at our CaringBridge site. Yes, it's a medical update site -- but it has miraculously become so much more than that! Real names, real people, and a REAL GOD doing awesome things in and through people. Both my husband and I are journaling there -- writing from the heart about this cancer journey and what it means to us all physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Creator in us has never been more evident :) Perhaps you'd like to join us there?
I am currently writing to you from the hospital (which DH and friends have helped to make as homey as possible!). In a few hours I will be given a dose of highly toxic Methotrexate -- and then tomorrow (I think) they will start to clean that back out of me. I'll be here for at least three days. But I brought my Art to Go case with me this time -- so maybe I'll have something to post here soon after all! :)
Descriptions of the old testament temple, where the Spirit of God dwelt, are very impressive. The temple was a fabulous work of art, finely crafted with the most precious materials. It took seven long years to construct with detailed precision.
But that temple is long gone. Where, then, does the Spirit of God dwell now?
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?1 Corinthians 3:16
Ah, yes -- the Creator in me! My body, too, is finely crafted -- an impressive masterpiece of design. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus . . ." (Ephesians 2:10). I am the carefully created temple of the Holy God!
But what happens when the body is defiled? What if the body is battered by abuse -- inflicted by self or external forces? What if the flesh is devastated by disease? Is a person who has been ravaged by sin, Satan, and the world any less inhabitable by a Mighty, Holy God?
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 1 Corinthians 6:19
But [you] are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.Romans 8:9
If we are followers of Christ, the Spirit of God dwells in us -- with no restrictions on the condition of the body! Is that not awesome to think about?
While I have never intended my blog to be a personal journal, I will tell you that I happen to be awaiting a diagnosis regarding multiple tumours and swollen lymph glands. Potentially very scary stuff -- and yet I have been overwhelmed with a sense of Peace knowing that right along with whatever is wreaking havoc in my body is the Spirit of God! The Great Physician! The Life! Never has the title of my Monday meme had more significance to me than it does now. My temple may be defiled by the effects of sin in this world -- but it is no less the dwelling place of my Creator and Saviour. I take joy in that!
Have you felt less powerful because your temple is defiled? Have you felt less worthy because of it? Rejoice with me in the knowledge that the Spirit of God dwells in His followers no matter what the condition of this temporal form!
P.S. I apologize for neglecting my blog of late. Now you have an inkling why . . .;)