Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Creation Inspired Creativity

This morning, our devotional book challenged us to look at all the everyday wonders that surround us -- the moon sparkling on a lake, the clapping of leaves in the breeze, floating dandelion seeds lit from behind by the sun . . .

So, on our "Morning Glories Walk" we made an effort to notice these wonderful glimpses of God's creativity. One thing that captured DD8's interest was the veins on the spring leaves. This reminded me of the childhood rubbings I used to do with leaves and grave stones and such. So, when we got home, we did these rubbings together:

Simple, but sweet. I can envision using them as background in a collage or an altered book page . . .

Are there some aspects of creation that you particularly marvel at? Do you have any creative ways of capturing those wonders?

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