The first glimpse of August skies (so distinguishable from June and July, don't you find?) have tied knots in my stomach for as long as I can remember. That's because after August comes September, which means summer is over, and the routine of school resumes. (At least that's typically how it has worked in my lifetime -- though things are changing.) Don't get me wrong -- I have always loved school and the fall season in general! But for some reason, the anticipation of the seasonal shift stresses me out -- perhaps because I never manage to do all the things I had hoped to do in the summer, and so I feel unprepared for the fall. Therefore, it is with that familiar knotty feeling that I reflect on this week's topic at
Homeschool Blogger : first day of school traditions.
I will say that as a homeschooler, the first day of school is one of my favourites because we always try to do something fun that none of the other school children can do simply because they're "at school." Here are some of the things we've done just because we can:
* had an elaborate archaelogical dig in our backyard sandbox
* went for a picnic and "explore" in the "Hundred Acre Woods" behind our home, wading in the creek and catching crayfish and butterflies
* visited Daddy at his workplace, bringing lunch with us
* explored the gardens and picnicked at a beautiful, historic estate and began reading one of our history novels while we were all perched on tree branches
* spent the day at the zoo
We have yet to decide what we'll do this year -- but maybe you have some ideas! HSB is hosting a linky party for you to link up your ideas, or you can leave a comment here :) I'm looking forward to being inspired by your ideas and experiences!

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