We celebrated Canada Day last week on July 1 -- best of all with DH winning a trip for our family -- on the same day I won Halle's art supplies! But DD8 had been suffering from the flu all week and just wasn't up to staying up late to watch the fireworks. (She's never liked them anyway -- too loud and scarey.) So we had some girl time together -- which included some playing with my camera's settings.
Here are a few shots from our impromptu photo shoot . . .
This one is with the sepia setting -- which I NEVER use -- but really like:
The same shot in black and white -- which I also NEVER use. Why don't I????
And this one was "low colour" -- which looks pretty normal to me:
This was done with the sepia setting on the camera, and then I "cartoonized" it with the software I uploaded to the computer today. Look at those beautiful eyes!!!! You can tell she's not feeling well, though :(
Here we're playing with different facial expressions -- just for fun:)
Prince Caspian needed to pose as well. Poor guy -- he REALLY didn't like the fireworks being set off in our neighbourhood. In fact, he was literally trying to climb the walls, and trying to haul his huge carcass onto tiny tv tables! Crazy guy. But (and this is an interesting aside!) I squirted a bit of Bach Rescue Remedy in his mouth and he calmed right down! Huh!
I'll have to remember that.
Finally, the evening would not be complete without a sparkler or two:
How do you celebrate when things can't quite be normal because of sickness or circumstances?
Have you tried getting creative with your camera lately? Why not give it a try!

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