Monday, June 24, 2013

Paula's Memorial Bench

I'm not sure how many of you still linger here at Created 2B Creative.  Blair here - - Paula's husband.  I recently took a photo of a plaque on the memorial bench at the cemetery where Paula's body is buried.  I've been thinking that I'd like to continue blogging about our family's creativity and wondered if Paula's readership felt it appropriate for me to take-over here . . . . or should I start something completely different?  

Anyway, looking for feedback about whether Created 2B Creative should continue - - I know Paula often talked about our family's creative ventures (including the kids and I and our collective creativity in several of our posts)

Thoughts?  Let me know in the comments below.


  1. this is so beautiful and such a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman!!! thank you for sharing this with all of us! :)

    I first came to know your wife as I began my own battle with cancer. still fighting, but she helped me in so many ways. I still think of her quite often. she continues to give me strength.

    you do what you feel is best in regard to the blog. your heart will tell you what is right.

    sending hugs and prayers to your family! :)

  2. I love that plaque. I would continue to read if you take over!

  3. I, too would continue to read. I think it's just beautiful that Created 2B Creative is written right on the plaque. Just perfect! Paula and I never met, and our religious beliefs are very different, but to be grounded in faith and creativity are universal concepts, and i'm proud to have been in her life and to have had her in mine. Keep the blog alive!

  4. You, yourself, Blair are very creative. It would be delightful to have you and the kids continue on with your creativity.

  5. Dear Blair and family... I made a promise to Paula, shortly before she went to see Jesus, that I would pray for you and your family. I would truly like to see what creative things you do. I always keep an eye on the blog posts that enter my email, in hopes that you will write something. I hope that you are okay. May God sustain you, comfort you, help you, and fill in the missing places... May He give you wisdom, discernment, and hope. May He fill you with the joy He is, and lift you up and fill your heart and mind with His light... blessings and may thoughts, in jesus. Celita

  6. It is with great sadness I reply to you Blair and family. I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I could have met her in person, I only knew her through the blog and her articles in Homeschool Horizons. I loved her posts and would enjoy reading more from you and your family.
    Paula inspired me to make life more creative. She encouraged me with ideas and suggestions that I could bring into my home. I am grateful. Numbers 6:24-26 - love this verse! Praying for you all...Sandee Macgregor

  7. I think it would be wonderful to see her legacy continue.


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Sincere responses . . .

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