Well, I've been out of commission for a couple of weeks, but I'm back for another WAW! :) This week's verse is:
I didn't really have a lot of original ideas for this verse -- outside of doing another one of my ladies -- so I decided to just do a bit of collage with some bits and pieces from around the art room. Do you recognize the background "paper"? It's a Wonder Bread bag fused together with an iron! (I had done it, oh, probably a couple of years ago now, intending to use it like a fabric, and hadn't found a use for it!) The circles made me think of bubbles, which make me think of joy (bubbling up and over). I stamped the word "JOY" behind the verse, though it's hard to see that. It all looked a bit droll, so I added some bling from an old necklace at the top and bottom.
It's a perfect verse, really, because that's what I want to do :)
If you would like to join us this week in creating some word art, you might just win something from Whimsy Stamps. Why not give it a try?