
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Art Swap Pages

I have completed two more pages for the Art is . . . You Swap. This little birdie is made from a couple of swatches of upholstery fabric. The cool stitching around the border is a bit obscured by the layers of pastel I added, but it's more visible in real life. And you can't see it, but behind the letter stickers there's a piece of paper that has the title of a vintage book about nests and birds :)

The colours aren't as true in the picture below, but you can see the effect of the ribbon better:

The other page I created was inspired by Christy Tomlinson's She Art girls. I haven't taken any of Christy's classes, but I've watched a few of her online videos and I like her whimsical girls.

It's hard to tell, but my girl is wearing a bun ;) And that flower in the middle is supposed to be the sun! :)

I'm lacking inspiration for my last two pages, though . . .


  1. These are absolutely amazing--LOVE the vibrant colors and the different fibers you've used! Gorgeous work! {{{HUGS}}} :)

  2. Such gorgeous pieces. Love your upholstery bird. I so appreciate your bio on Word Art Wednesday. I am a former home educator of 19 years. What a blessing to be able to share God's Word with our children and help them see their God given talents. It's such a blessing to know a kindred spirit and sister in Christ. Congrats on 21 years of marriage. Praying for you as you face this battle with cancer. I'm a new follower. ~ Blessings

  3. I especially love the bird! The long fluffy tail reminds me of Lolla Lee Lou (instead of one tail feather, she had TWO!) and Gertrude McFuzz--have you ever reaqd that book to your children?

  4. These are really nice - such great, vibrant colors. I especially like the fabric bird and the stitching. The whimsical one with the girly is cute, too.


  5. Lovely work! The colors are beautiful and there is just so much texture! You did a beautiful job!


Sincere responses . . .