
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homemade Stencils/Stamps

The other day I saw the idea of making homemade stencils with hot glue on Traci Bautista's blog.  Well, I have a hot glue gun and I'd like to try playing with some stencils -- so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I used waxed paper, which didn't release the stencils very well, but it wasn't hard to peel the paper off. If I do it again, I'll use parchment paper as Traci suggests. 

Here is my little collection of hot glue stencils:

Pretty cool, eh? I think this technique could be used to make some kinda cool embellishments, too -- though it would be nice if I could think of a way to colour them.

 I didn't have any paint mists, so I watched a bunch of youtube videos and made my own with some water, a smackerel of ModPodge, metallic paint, and folk art paint. Then I played with my stencils! 

After I sprayed with the glitter mist, I flipped the stencil over and used it like a stamp:

Fun stuff!

Do you have any other ideas for making homemade stencils?

Any thoughts on how to colour the glue?


  1. This is sooooo cool!!! Totally PINNING this!!! And I LOVE the shapes you made--you are a genius! :)

  2. How cool is this technique!! So much fun. BTW, you should be able to add color to these pieces with alcohol ink. I color a lot of nonporous objects with my alcohol inks. ~ Blessings

  3. Not sure about adding color, but you can also drizzle hot glue into a dish of cold water to make shapes like these. Give it a try!

  4. Very cool. I don't know how to color them, and haven't tried alcohol inks, but you can also have fun drizzling hot glue into a dish of cold water to make shapes like these.

  5. Great idea! didn't catch this on Tracie's blog so I appreciate your mentioning it. I make stamps and stencils out of styrofoam. Patsy from
    HeARTworks and


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