
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lego Place Cards

Every once in a while my 13yo DS comes up with a brilliant idea. The other day it was these Lego place cards fashioned to resemble each member of our family, as well as our guest. 

I have no hair ;) I also wear black pants a lot -- and one of my favourite colours to wear is blue.

DH has a bit of hair with a goatee -- and his principal eyebrows and suit :)


She was wearing a strapless dress the day he made the figures. He didn't have any dreadlocks, so hair that most resembled her natural look had to suffice. 

Our guest loves to participate in war re-enactments (military helmet) and his nickname around here is "Wolfie."

No glasses -- but right hair. She also likes to dress in all the same colour. 

Little Bro likes wearing his hat backwards and has clothes similar to these. 
Cute, eh?!

Do you know of any Lego creations that might inspire my boy? 


  1. What a great idea and such a good job!

  2. How adorable! Fabulous idea!!! I saw something really cool w/Legos recently - now if I could just remember what it was! Years ago I worked with another art teacher who did a whole series of paintings based on closeups of Legos -rich colors, straight edges, sharp shadows, etc. And there is adorable Lego jewelry out there but I doubt your son would be interested!


Sincere responses . . .