
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Altered Food Journal

I've recently been inspired to create a food journal to keep track of all the things I put in my body that will affect my health. As you might know, I can't bear to leave a journal all bare and unadorned. So, I rummaged through my stash and found a discard from an old project to use as my base. A few stickers, some rub-ons, a Sharpie -- and voila! 

(Oh, and by the way -- it's sitting on top of our household journal -- which I'm really liking, though we don't use all the sections as well as we could.)

That's about the extent of my creativity of late. I'm hoping to get back into a groove, but have been trying to just be instead of always doing. However, I have also felt some resistance to making art or writing or blogging. I'm not sure what that's about.  It felt good to decorate this little journal, so maybe I need to feed those good feelings by making a concerted effort to spend more time being creative. Hmmmm . . . there's a thought. 

Do you do anything to keep track of your health and well-being?

What do you do to get yourself out of a creative slump?

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