
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Word Art Wednesday - February 1, 2012

This week's Word Art Wednesday Challenge verse is Nehemiah 8:10 -- "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

Does that verse sound odd to you? Shouldn't it be the other way around -- "the strength of the Lord is my joy"?

And yet it's not. Truly, the JOY of the Lord is our STRENGTH. This truth has certainly been proven in my life these last few months. In spite of my circumstances -- being diagnosed with aggressive cancer -- being hospitalized for weeks at a time -- getting a dangerous infection in my blood -- undergoing toxic treatments that take their toll on my body -- in spite of all these facts of my life, I have found joy in my relationship with Christ, and that has been my strength

Am I always happy? No. I have my down days. But underlying any doom or gloom that might invade my mind, my heart knows joy. It's only because of Him. And that deeply penetrating joy is my strength to endure whatever He walks me through. 

But the challenge for me was how to represent all this in a piece of art! What I finally decided upon was an image of a woman that is also an oak tree. An oak is known for its strength, and the woman's "arms" are outstretched in joyful praise like the branches of a mighty oak tree. (I added printed images of oak leaves so you'd know it's an oak tree, not just any old kind of tree -- and to add some colour ;) I wish I'd succeeded in making the woman's face a little more joyful looking -- but perhaps I just mean "happy," which isn't necessarily joyful anyway -- so I won't worry. 

Have you found joy? 

Word Art Wednesday is proving to be a real blessing to many. Perhaps you'd like to join in? If you do, you have chance to win something lovely from Heart and Soul Rubber Stamp Co. . I do hope you'll join us!


  1. What a Beautiful creation this morning for this beautiful verse xinme. Wonderful colors
    Hugs&Blessings :)

  2. Absolutely beautiful Paula. You are such a blessing to me. Hugs

  3. This is so beautiful and encouraging! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow, Paula this is so pretty. I love how you captured the woman in the tree. Reminds of the verse in Psalms or Proverbs, I can't remember where we are to be rooted and grounded like the oak tree. Very creative, thank you for sharing.

  5. What an awesome testimony! I love your heart & your art! Thanks for sharing your joy in our Lord!

  6. Your creation is amazing, and so are YOU!!! We can find strength and joy no matter what our circumstances--and you are such a strong example of that! I'm so glad to know you through your blog! :)

  7. Paula,

    What a great testimony. And so honest. Thanks for sharing. I love to read that, in spite of all the troubles you've gone through (and still are facing), you can still find joy and strength in our beloved Father. God is so good.

    Love the piece you've made. The woman who's rooted firm in the ground. As a symbol of being rooted in Gods strength and joy.

    Have a very blessed day!

    And yes, I've found joy, even though I'm going through some hard times. But just knowing that God is good and He is always there for us.... wow, only just that gives me peace and joy. I know He holds my life and my future. And I don't need to be afraid.


  8. Thank you for all your kind words, ladies! I so appreciate them :)

  9. You still amaze me every week paula! Love it!

  10. This is sooo gorgeous!! Beautiful post :0)


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