
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Word Art Wednesday - January 25, 2011

Ahhh, I don't choose the verses for the Word Art Wednesday Challenge, but every one is so applicable to my life! Many of you know that I am in the process of ousting cancer from my body. (You can read more about that journey of blessing at CaringBridge, if you wish.) What you may not know is that my body has failed me in other ways, too.  I have been barren; no child has grown in my womb.

Like Sarah, like Hannah -- I have prayed -- poured out my heart before God -- for children. 

And those prayers have been answered!

By the miracle of open adoption, "the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him" -- FOUR times! 

Here are my four precious answers to prayer:

Of course, I couldn't choose ONE to represent on my piece of art, so I opted for a simple drawing (I'm trying! ) of a mother and child to represent me and each of them. I did, however, use paint that DD9 had mixed for one of her own creations as my background colour. It shimmers a bit because she's all about the glitter -- but I'm afraid I couldn't capture that in the photo. The four gems represent the children that are precious jewels to me. 

Is there a verse that resonates with you today?

Word Art Wednesday


  1. Your art is beautiful Paula and your drawing is incredible. Your children are so precious, their smiles radiate my heart and make me smile. Thank you for sharing your heart and being such a blessing to me.


  2. you have such a beautiful family. Love your art.

  3. Gorgeous art, wonderful image and colors. And what a fabulous photo of your blessings. :)

  4. Beautiful writing and beautiful art.

    What a great picture of your children. They look so happy! And though you couldn't bare children of your own, I think you, your husband and your kids are so very blessed.

    Have a great day,


  5. Four beautiful blessings! God is good. The mother/child really pops with the red background. Love it.

  6. Hello, I just found your blog, I did my first word art Wednesday...and found your do you pronounce your name...I feel a connection with you by the Holy Spirit...and I am going to start praying for you....I am coming into agreement with you and the Holy Spirit...and I am petitioning God on your scripture that I will present to God on your behalf is Isaiah 53:5...that says "By His stripes we are healed".....May the Lord strengthen you from the inside out and restore perfect wholeness in every cell...and may all tissues in your body come in line with the word of God...and be made whole....In Jesus name so be it....

    1. Thank you, Sherry -- that's the same verse I have been claiming! I AM healed because of His stripes -- my physical body just doesn't show it YET.

      My online name -- xinme -- stands for "Christ in me" -- but my RL name is Paula :) It's easier to pray for someone with that name ;)Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words.

  7. Thank you for all your kind words, my dear WAWDT friends! :)I'm blessed to be having so much fun working with you all.

  8. Wonderful work with this great verse. Your children are all beautiful. I love being a part of a wonderful loving challenge as this one is. joann sassy raggedy

  9. What a beautiful post, Paula! Your drawing is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!...Nancy :o)

  10. Something we share - I was also a barren woman. God opened my womb in the 15th year of our marriage. Your Word Art is beautiful. Praying for you.

  11. Thank you K-Sue, NickelNook and Joann :)

  12. What a BEAUTIFUL piece of art and what's more beautiful is the testimony you've shared from your heart! Love that God has gifted you with 4 adopted children... and that you are here to enjoy them still!! I'm sorry to learn of your cancer, but God is so good to use even those trials to strengthen us and our faith. You have a beautiful heart for the Lord--thank you for sharing through Word Art Wednesday. I'm enjoying getting to know each of you better through your personal blogs and weekly testimonies. Have a wonderful week!
    Kris - SSIC

    1. Thank you, Kris :) I'm enjoying getting to know everyone, too:)

  13. You are amazing. Your artwork is amazing. Your faith is amazing. I am so inspired by you--and I am not saying this just to say it! It is so comforting to hear of others' trials--they help me through mine! I needed this today. Thank you. :)

    1. Wow! Thank you so much, Mynnette! YOUR words are an encouragement to me!


Sincere responses . . .