
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Personal Mini Sandbox

While window shopping this summer, I came upon a cute idea for a children's play/discovery area. It was a series of sand tables, each with a different theme. And it struck me -- I could make one (or my own version of one)!

While I was cleaning out the art room, I came upon some calcium sand that had been intended for DS12's hermit crabs and an empty container with a lid (even better than an open table). Perfect! I scrounged around the basement a bit more and settled on this stash:

And to inspire DS4, I set it up like this before I showed him:

The goofy guy loved it and played with it for a good hour one day, then asked to play with it again the next.

The possibilities for other themes are endless . . . pirates, zoo animals, deserted island (kinda what I have goin' on here), princess castle, diggers (we have a bigger bin with diggers and dried corn, which is also lots of fun!).

What theme ideas do you have that would be simple to create in a little box like this?

Are there other things that you've seen while shopping and you've thought, "I could make that!" ? Did you?

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