
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Art to Go

This past year, I found it fruitful to take a bag of art supplies with me to different places -- like the church where my children participated in Awana (and I had an hour and a half to spend alone), and other places where I knew I would be spending time waiting. Over time, I kept adding to the bag, so it ended up looking like this:

Somewhere online I remembered reading about using an old suitcase as a portable art studio. I recently acquired one in good condition (just needed the lining to be glued a bit) -- so I transformed it into my "Art to Go" case:

 All the stuff I used to cart around in that open bag now fits nicely inside the case -- all neat and organized!

I wanted a spot for my scissors to be easily accessible, so I just stapled a scrap of fabric to the inside pocket of the case:

Ta da! Handy pocket:

Another pocket keeps my ruler, glue stick, and craft knife handy:

All the stuff (and more, of course!) that I need to be creative while away from home:

After I closed the case, I thought it would be fun to podge on some old art work that will likely find no other use (I'm sad that it bubbled -- but oh well!):

And I stamped on the purpose of the case:

Do you have a portable creative toolbox? What is it? What's in it?

If you don't have one -- why don't you? It's a wonderful way to rest, relax, and restore :)


  1. What a great idea! I wouldn't have thought of doing some thing like this. Thanks for sharing it! So far, all my art and supplies travel via zip lock gallon size plastic baggies!

    Do you have a blog button? I looked around but didn't see one. If you're interested, I would love to exchange blog buttons some time.

    Blessings and hugs! :-)

  2. Thanks, Deb :)

    Learning how to make a blog button was on my summer to-do list -- but it will have to wait a bit longer . . . Getting ready to head to El Salvador next week! I'd be happy to exchange buttons when I get one going :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Not a problem, when you get back. :-) How exciting, you'll soon be on your way to see Jeanci! I hope all goes well for you and all parties involved will be blessed by your visit. I'll remember you and your family in my prayers and I look forward to hearing about your trip and meeting Jeanci.

    Blessings and hugs! :-)


Sincere responses . . .