
Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Musings on the Creator in Me

Banishing the Spirit of Fear

This weeks theme at Homeschool Blogger is a "Craft Show and Tell." Since my entire blog has a crafty quality to it, it's hard for me to highlight anything extra special ;) If you're interested in gathering ideas, I encourage you to click on any of the labels that tickle your fancy at Created 2B Creative :) 

In the meantime, I'm going to continue on the themes of prayer and peace that have kind of pervaded recent reflective posts. You see, they're topics that are near and dear to my heart these days as parenting continues to have a sanctifying effect on me AND as my daughter and I prepare for our missions trip to El Salvador -- on THURSDAY of this week!

I will confess to you that a lot of things strike fear in my heart. The futures of my children rank right up there -- and this trip does, too! But my husband keeps reminding me of this verse:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

That means the fear I have is unfounded -- rooted in the enemy of Peace, not God. Instead -- I need to claim the power and love and sound mind that is available to me through Him!

One of the ways I can do that is through prayer. 

Photo courtesy of 
I think that's why my Place of Peace and my prayer journal have become so important to me this summer. They have helped me to submit to the weeding of my heart . I will admit -- the fear is not all gone -- but the power and love and sound mind are becoming more pervasive than the fear. 

I know that some of that has to do with the fervent prayers of others: my husband, my mother, my dear former landlady on the other side of the country, family members, friends -- and I so cherish those thoughtful, regular prayers. 

Photo courtesy of

People young and old have been upholding me -- and my family -- in prayer for months -- no, years, really. And I can feel the Power and Love surging -- and am having greater glimpses of that Sound Mind ;) 

Photo courtesy of
As a result,  I am resting more and more in Peace.

Do you have a story of how prayer has brought Peace, and dispelled the spirit of fear, bringing with it Power and Love and a Sound Mind? I'd love to hear it! 

Who can you be praying for this week? (Picture my hand waving -- "Pick me! Pick me!" :)

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