
Friday, June 4, 2010

A Tradition That Makes Me Cry Every Time (But I Love It!)

This blog is not just about my artistic endeavours, but about those of my family members as well. So I thought it was appropriate to share a little tradition we have here . . .

Every year for Mother's Day (since 2003), my husband has "secretly" scheduled photo shoots with our children and created a two-page scrapbook spread. Eight years into it now, the book has become a wonderful snapshot (literally!) view of the growth and development of our children. Each turn of the page still makes me gasp at the changes and keeps me in awe of how the time really is slipping by so quickly.

I apologize for my poor photography skills (the pages were too big to scan), resulting in some glare and fuzziness, but here is this year's spread:

I just love it! The photos are perfect, and the layout is awesome! (That's an old filmstrip at the bottom and those photos are stitched on!) Have I ever mentioned that I am soooooo blessed to have such a thoughtful and creative husband?!?!?

What favourite homemade gifts do you have?

Are there any creative traditions that you or your family have developed over the years? Tell me about them in the comments or via email!


  1. Hi! I absolutely LOVE your blog! I am one of the First Mates from the Homeschool Crew, and I wanted to visit some of the blogs that are toward the end of the Crew "members" list (since our blog walk begins with those listed on the first page). I'm so glad I chose yours to visit today. I read several of your posts and kept thinging "I'll comment on this one because I like this post so much." I will definitely be visiting your blog again!

    One of my favorite traditions is the Advent readings we do every year before Christmas with the kids. We turn on only the Christmas tree lights, read our Advent devotion for that night (by the tree lights--which gets more difficult to see as I get older!), light our Advent candle(s), and hang a special ornament that goes with that night's reading on the tree. We have done this for many years, and it is so special to us every year.

    Blessings from my family to yours.

    FM Wendy

  2. Thank you for stopping by, Wendy, and for your kind words:) I, too, am looking forward to checking out some of the Crew blogs.

    Advent is one of my favourite times of family traditions, too! (I haven't blogged about it yet because I haven't blogged through that season yet;) I'd love to hear more about the ornaments and readings you use -- are they along the lines of a Jesse Tree? (That's something I've done with our children for morning devotions -- but sometimes I find it hard to make the connection between the reading on the list I have and the Christmas story! :{ Perhaps I need a new list! )I'm always looking for new ways to make the season meaningful and memorable.

    Looking forward to "seeing" you here again, Wendy -- and I'll be sure to stop by your "place" soon, too:)


Sincere responses . . .