
Friday, June 4, 2010

Joy Notes

Inspired by Shona Cole of "The Artful Life" (author of The Artistic Mother), who was giving away a few of her own creations this past week, I used one of those blank playing cards I was rooting around for the other day to make this:

My dh asked me what it was for (I guess it IS kinda small!) --- but I had a good answer ready!

As I mentioned in another post, I've been noting the lack of joy in my life -- not because there's no source of it, but because I haven't been claiming it or practising it. I also mentioned that the theme for this month in the Creative Every Day challenge happens to be "bliss," and in the context of the challenge that word is used interchangeably with the word "joy." Also, yesterday I was absorbing some motherly encouragement at Sally Clarkson's blog, "I Take Joy" -- and then this morning I was reading Psalm 51 about joy being restored -- and I just knew I was meant to reflect on this theme pretty seriously.

Sooooo, I created this little notebook to document all the reasons I have to live a joyful life. That's what I want to live, and that's what I know I CAN live, but I have to choose it. As Sally Clarkson says, I have to "practise" it.

So I'm starting with this little notebook.

What about you? How do you practise living joyfully? Is there any creative, artful thing that helps you to do so?


  1. Dear Xinme,

    Thanks for visiting me at Create With Joy - I love your artwork and your philosophy - I've signed up to follow you and I invite you to join me as a Kindred Spirit at Create With Joy as well!

    I'm so glad we met thru CED - have a creative week!


  2. We're official Kindred Spirits now, Ramona:)Thanks for joining me here!

  3. What a lovely idea! A friend of mine once gave me a too pretty to be used as a to-do list" notebook... so instead I used it as a "blessings" book. You've reminded me that I haven't been adding in my blessings each day, I should get back into that.

    Today's blessing? Reading your lovely blog! You're SO talented and creative! I am SO excited to have you on my mini-crew, Sweet Sister!

    Be blessed and FILLED to overflowing with JOY today!

  4. Thank you so much, Shannon :) I'm sure the launching of "The Five Sisters" will be something else to add to my list of blessings!

  5. what a great idea for keeping track of your joy! love it!

  6. Thank you, Leah -- and thank you for your continued inspiration:)


Sincere responses . . .