
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Word Art Wednesday - July 11, 2012

It's amazing what one can accomplish from the couch! I've been feeling pretty yucky the last couple of days after my last round of chemo, but sooooooo desirous of being creative. I'm in art journal mode these days, so this piece has a very journally feel to it. 

I started by just doing a bit of photo editing, resulting in this picture:

Then I just started doodling with gel pens on the printed copy! A bit of collage, gesso, and bling -- and voila!

I like the verse for this week:

While it is our responsibility to train our children in the ways of the Lord, in this verse, the onus is on God! He will teach our children! And with that teaching will come peace! Isn't that a wonderful promise?! I also appreciated the context of this verse -- promises to the barren woman! As an adoptive mama, it speaks volumes to my heart!

Have you considered participating in this week's Word Art Wednesday Challenge? If you link up, you might just win a little treasure from Whimsy Stamps!


  1. BEAUTIFUL children and artwork Xinme! It's glorious!

  2. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. I love what you did with this photo, what fun. I especially like the verse that you paired up with this project, precious and perfect. ~ Abby

  3. Beautiful work and beautiful words of wisdom--thank you for sharing parts of your heart each week with us! :) HUGS to you and yours!!!

  4. I like the art journal feel to this page. Beautiful picture and verse to go along with it. Thanks for sharing at WAW.

  5. Love what you've done with your doodling! Your children are beautiful! Hope you are feeling better-pray for you every day.

  6. Love your art journal page. Love the way you edited the photo and then doodles on it with gel pens. The effect is so nice!
    Hope you feel better soon, sweet Paula.

  7. Paula, love your page!! It's so fresh, funky, and fun!!! I'm lovin' those gel doodles!!! Our children are such a blessing. I thank God every day for entrusting one of His to my care.


Sincere responses . . .