
Friday, June 15, 2012

Pretty, Pretty -- Everywhere

I have lots of friends who are great at blessing others! During this hospital stay, two of my sweet friends found ways to bless me in creative ways. One friend brought me a bouquet of flowers -- but because she knows I like to "spread the love," she took the time to decorate a few empty juice bottles so I could share my flowers! 

Are these not so sweet? I only have one left now because I've distributed two to ladies on the floor that look like they could use a little prettiness to look at. 

And you know, it really helps me to do that. Today I was starting to get warn down -- by the drugs, some side effects, and the sadness that pervades the cancer wing in a hospital. There are sad, sick people all over the place. That takes a toll on a soul's view of the world. So what a blessing it was to change my negative thought pattern and get out and bless someone else. Thank you, Caralyn, for enabling me to do that in such a lovely way!

Another friend who has traveled her own cancer journey read in my journal that I was cold. So when she came to visit me, she brought this beautiful blanket that she made from those little dollar store throws you can buy:

So beautiful, don't you think?!?!?! And so wonderfully cozy! Many, many people have walked into the room and exclaimed at the beauty that Susan has brought to this little space with that blanket, and the lovely quilt (peeking out from under the blanket) she gave me for these hospital stays . Thank you, Susan, for the blessing of your creativity!

Today I felt like exercising my own creativity. I was flipping through my Drawing Lab book for inspiration, and didn't I discover that one of the people that inspires me most these days was a guest artist in the book! I've had the book for almost two years -- how could I not have noticed that before?! I immediately recognized her birds, which are the things that capture my interest most about her work. So once again, I tried my hand at some. I'm happy with the birds that look like they are sitting on tree branches, which are actually the lines from the sewing pattern that is glued to the canvas beneath them (and the canvas is recycled from one of my daughter's paint play days). However, I'm not sure that the collage is finished -- and yet I'm not sure how to complete it. I toyed with putting two more "joy" stamps (top left and bottom middle), but that didn't quite do it for me. 

Any thoughts on what this collage still needs?????


  1. Maybe you could add a nest ... or half of one on the top left side of the page. So it looks like the light blue bird has come out of her nest to visit the red and blue bird ... just like you come out of your bed and room to visit the other patients. Anyways ... that's what I thought of :)

    1. I LIKE that idea, Alison!!! The next question would be, in what medium? Sharpie (so just black lines)? Paint? Something textured? More texted paper?

  2. Your pic turned out lovely - - no ideas here! And you're welcome for the flowers and make-shift vases. :) I'm glad you could spread some love today. Had a lovely visit with you...and your colourful spot!

    1. And I had a lovely visit with you! Thank you for the wonderful surprise!

  3. It's truly a blessing to help others when we ourselves are suffering & going thru a trial. God is going to give you double blessings!! Good girl!

    along with the nest, under the branch maybe some multi toned leaves?
    Whatever you do will be wonderful!

  4. Oh Paula, so good to read how you are so blessed with those gifts for friends. And how they know how you want to give away what you receive :D

    The flowers are so beautiful. A ray of sunshine for your room. And your quilt/blanket is so vibrant. And looks so comfy. You are so blessed!

    Though I don't really know you in person, I do feel you are so blessed and a true blessing to others! That you have such a big heart for others, even though you go through a very difficult time.

    I just admire how you stand in life. Having the faith in our heavenly Father.

    Just wanna say that I love you and want to give you a big hug (digitally ;) ) and that I'm praying for you.

    Love the art work you've made. It's so good to see you can still create, even though you go through chemo. Love the textured background and the birds.

    Hugs and be blessed!


    1. Thank you so much, sweet Wendy! Thank you for your kind words, love, hugs, and prayers!


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