
Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Valentine Loveliness

My awesome DH helped make Valentine's Day special this year. For breakfast, he had these sweet treats prepared:

This photo looks cluttered, but it gives you a glimpse of our table setting. Do you like the Valentine tree? I love the idea of it, but this particular one is a bit big and lopsided. 

DH and DD14 made Valentine garlands:

We forgot to buy Valentine's napkins, so we used Christmas ones instead. They still worked for the occasion ;) 

For dinner, we had our traditional heart-shaped pizzas -- but this year we all topped our own.

DH and DD9 created this awesome marble cake for dessert . . .

. . . along with these jam-filled heart cookies.

It was a lovely day of fellowship with family and friends celebrating this:

Subway art courtesy of The Girl Creative.

Do you have any Valentine traditions? Whether you do or not, how do you celebrate love?

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