
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Word Art Wednesday

The verse for this week's Word Art Wednesday is Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall  be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Of course, my mind immediately went to wedding imagery -- but I'd used a wedding photo for last week's WAW. I love marriage and trees, and I saw an image similar to this somewhere on the web, and it all came together for me -- the whole idea of two people having roots of their own but becoming one and creating a family tree . . . 

I decided to use the word art in strips because I liked the idea of creating breaks throughout the verse -- but I didn't mean for the strips to be lifting as they are in the photo. {sigh. Where's my glue stick now?!?!?} The photo is also a bit shadowy (there are no big black blobs under the leaves) -- but this was the best of the bajillion that I took. I've been trying to take pictures without the flash since I've read numerous places that's the best thing to do for blog pictures -- but I'm not having much success. Alas, I gave up trying to get a better shot than this. (Bad blogger!)

I have been debating whether to continue using the library catalogue cards as my base for the word art challenges because they are a tad small. But I decided to keep using them because they are making a neat little collection of word art without taking up a lot of space. (I also like those little tabs for titles!)  I was thinking of using a binder ring to join them together like a mini book (since they already have holes in them), but my husband suggested framing them in groups in shadow boxes once I have a good collection. So for now, I'll just keep them stacked neatly until we figure out how to display them, if at all. 

This week's challenge is sponsored by Eclectic Anthology -- so if you participate, you might just win some pretties from them! Why don't you give it a try?!?!? 

Word Art Wednesday


  1. What a beautiful image you created..Gorgeous card. The photo of the card looks good to me. I do not use a flash :)

  2. I love this piece and your drawing of the couple is awesome. I also love that the strips of paper are up off the page. Very nice piece of art.
    Thank you for being on my team!

  3. Paula: Just wanted you to know that I just prayed for you. I pray for healing, peace, comfort, and God's grace which is always sufficient. I am having a bad week with pain, and feeling sorry for myself until I realized there are always others whose burden is heavier than my own. My heart goes out to you, and I will continue to pray for you. I'm so glad God brought us together at WAW. God bless and keep you, my friend.
    Karen L

  4. You are so talented! God has blessed you. He will continue to use you. Your sweet spirit and trust in God will be your saving grace my friend!
    This is a great design. I love it!

  5. Thank you, Karen and Karen :) I'm glad God brought us together through WAW, too :)

  6. Wow, love this art piece. Love the roots underneath the feet.

    Thanks for sharing.


  7. All I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow! This is so amazing!

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog, I will be praying for your full recovery from cancer. I like the way you chose to use the type on your layout, nice colors too. Wishing you a bessed Lord's Day tomorrow!

  9. What beautiful art!!! Love the symbolism of your images. I'm lifting prayers of healing for you.

  10. This is delightful, and I REALLY like the idea of using the old card catalogue cards, perfect for Word Art Wednesday!!!



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