
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Virtues of a Vegetable Peeler

Sometimes we have to get creative with the tools we have on hand, don't we? We recently acquired a lovely Cradle to the Cross wreath, but the candles we purchased were too big. Nothing a trusty vegetable peeler couldn't change! I neglected to take a picture of the featured tool (I can assure you it wasn't my good Pampered Chef one!;) But here's a peek at what a peeler can do :)

That's not a pile of fake finger nails -- it's all the candle wax shavings ;)

Don't you just love the little wooden figure of Mary riding the donkey that moves through the wreath as we count down to Christmas? For lent, there is a figure of Jesus carrying the cross -- and two extensions for the wreath. 

Have you gotten creative with any tools lately?


  1. I've not seen this before. The veggie peeler - clever! I probably would have trimmed with a knife and cut something important:) I have a Pampered chef one, too - it is such a good piece of equipment!

  2. You can find one for pretty cheap almost anywhere, but if you want a tool that claims superiority, you usually are looking at a much larger price tag.


Sincere responses . . .