
Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Wonders of Photo Editing

I haven't had a chance to do much with any of the photos from our trip to El Salvador, but my DH has been creating masterpieces with some of them using Picnik. The plain photos are lovely in themselves, but he has highlighted some features and added text that reinforces some of the Truths that have come out of our experiences . . .

Vida x vida means "a life for a life." Christ gave His life for us, and we give ours for Him.

I especially like how he minimized my wrinkles ;)

Pretty cool, eh? If you've never tried editing any of your pictures, I encourage you to try because it's lots of fun! (DH printed these photos as posters and laminated them -- for his office, our learning lab, and DD14's bedroom. They are an awesome reminder of our special trip and are really helping to keep the memories alive.) You can download a free version of Picassa 3, which enables you to use Picnik as well. 

Let me know if you try it!

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