
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My New Poetry/Prayer Journal

I mentioned a while ago that I actually filled up my other prayer/poetry journal and had already begun writing in a  new one. Well, the other day I took time (notice I didn't say "found time" -- I took it, with intentional force -- from the mountain of laundry that still calls my name!) to alter my new journal and make it uniquely mine.

First, here is the tip of the mountain -- consisting of the lost and found from two schools,  contents of which, once washed, will make their way to the children of San Salvador, El Salvador (the rest is in the hall outside the laundry room!):

Here is my new journal as I bought it:

I love that it has a magnetic closure flap and a plastic pocket page at the front to hold my Inspired to Action and church prayer calendars -- and a holder for my pen:

Here is the end result of mixing and matching scrapbooking paper (it has a glittery gleam to it that doesn't photograph well), pages from an old book, recent art work, a key verse, stamps, and a few embellishments -- oh, and the fabric from an old, well-loved dress that will never fit me again (that's a pledge, not a lament!):

Here's the back. I love the rich colours and velvety texture of the fabric:

And here is the rest of the dress, with which I think I will make a matching tote bag for all my daily devotional reading/writing books and paraphernalia:

What old things have become new for you lately?

What common, new things have you made uniquely yours?

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  1. Love the journal! Very clever idea and very pretty.

    Stopping by from the TOS Crew. I'm following your blog now. ;0)

  2. Hello! Visiting and following from the crew! Have a wonderful day!

  3. What a GREAT idea. I have a shirt that was ruined in the was my favorite...I think I'll use it to cover a notebook...I love your a newbie from the crew following you....I truly, truly love your title and your posts are music to my ears!


  4. Thanks so much for your kind words, Rebecca :)


Sincere responses . . .