
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Memory Making Molds that Jiggle with Joy

As you may know, I'm always on the lookout for fun, creative ways to make memories with my children. So when Ann Voskamp included this idea in her post about what to do on the hot, dry days, I decided to give it a try. Who'd-a-thunk you could bring such jiggly joy to children with these materials?

Juiced orange and lemon rinds became the molds for a rainbow of jellos (muffin tins supported the rounded bottoms so they wouldn't tip while setting) . . .

but first, the freshly squeezed juice had to be enjoyed . . .

. . . in casual, summery canning jars . . .

. . . with star-shaped ice . . .

. . . oh -- and some lemon water for me -- also with star-shaped ice, of course :)

The whole juicing process took MUCH longer than I anticipated, so we were anxious for the jello to set quickly. I thought the freezer would do the trick -- except I forgot about them, so they got a little frosty. Ooops!

But they still turned out quite delightfully:

 They sure didn't last long! Even Grandma enjoyed a few!

What creative ways have you found to make sweet summer memories? Please share your own ideas or ones you've found online in the comments below:)

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  1. wow those are amazing-ly beautiful !!!

  2. These look really colourful summery fun. I bet my kids would enjoy this too. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Kat :-)


Sincere responses . . .