
Friday, April 22, 2011

Anticipation . . .

Looking forward to a special Good Friday Blessing Meal, while exploring some symbols of Passover . . .


  1. Thanks for your efforts to make this Good Friday's blessing meal special - - - what fun to look back in our kindness journal at where we've been . . . looking forward to where we're going, too! You're awesome & I thank God for you - - be blessed my helpmeet!

  2. xinme, thanks for sharing this with us. What a beautiful table and witness as well....that He may be glorified.

    Coleen, back in Ukraine now

  3. Thanks, Colleen :) No matter what kind of day or week we've had, the Blessing Meal always helps to focus our attention on what's really important -- and then we can truly recognize that "It's all good -- because of Him!" :)


Sincere responses . . .