
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family Day Art -- Second Annual

This past Monday, our country celebrated Family Day -- and for the second year in a row, we made memories by creating a collaborative piece of art. We did some simple print-making, and I am quite pleased with the results :)

I used this as a sample to demonstrate what we would be doing:

We each started with a flat piece of styrofoam (cut from grocery store meat trays) and a pen. I added the tape tabs so that the "printing plates" were easier to hold:

Having each selected a colour of acrylic paint, we set out designing our prints -- together this time. (Last year we worked in shifts, which kind of defeated the family togetherness part :{ ) Isn't it awesome how engaged everyone is?!?!?!

Once we were satisfied with our designs, we used a sponge roller to apply a coat of paint to the styrofoam and lay it on a piece of white card stock. Voila! Here is DS4's "monster":

DS12's space galaxy:

DD8's twin deers (she used a stencil):

DD13's  contemplation of life -- demonstrating excellent mirror-writing skills:

DH's symbolic representation of our children, whose nicknames are Moonbeam, Sunshine, Starlight, and Fireglow, and the cross, representing the Light of the world:

And my random flower (I also used a stencil):

DH picked up the perfect frame for our project (I'm so thankful I had the foresight to make sure everyone oriented their prints the same way!!!):

Pretty cool, eh????? Now it graces the kitchen wall along with last year's piece:

The whole project took just a few minutes to create (a good thing, since some people were just humouring dear ol' mom ;) -- but as I mentioned, I'm very pleased with the results!

Have you done any simple -- or not so simple -- projects together as a family? How did they turn out? Do you have any great ideas for our 3RD annual Family Day Art Project????? (I left this one to the last minute -- I'd like to be better prepared next year!)


  1. Delightful, both the concept of the family art day and the art itself. Cool technique.

  2. Thanks, Paula. It really was fun -- and as DD13 pointed out, even the styrofoam print plates are pretty. Of course, the bonus is that they can be re-used :)

  3. Very cool. I like the framed display, too.


Sincere responses . . .