
Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Musings on the Creator in Me

Colour Your World

One of the things I love about fall is the vast array of colours with which nature is painted. Enjoying them this season has got me to thinking about how important colour is to me. When we first moved into our home, ALL the walls were WHITE. Now, I rather like the look of an all-white room in certain contexts. But given the fact that most of our furniture is dark, the white walls made everything seem far too stark and institutional. We thought we would tolerate that until the following summer, when we would have more time for decorating. However, we found that we just -- couldn't -- live -- with white walls! They felt so cold and un-homey. When you live in a cold and un-homey environment, you never feel -- well -- at home. So putting some colour on the walls soon became a top priority.

Here are some other ways we have tried to bring colour into our home . . .

Garlands laced with mini lights and seasonal colours above the sliding doors in the kitchen:

(Eeeewwww that's a spider web up in the corner there. Didn't notice it until I'd already uploaded the picture -- which takes forever or I'd re-edit and change it! Sorry to gross you out -- window cleaning is not my forte :{)

Throws and quilts over neutral coloured furniture (I love this quilt, made by my dear friend, Susan.):

Vases, clippings from nature, and knick-knacks:

Door mats: 

Candles and table garlands:

Pretty plates:

Flowers and dangly things on ugly chandeliers:

Other ways include tablecloths, placemats, napkins, pictures . . .

What are some of YOUR favourite ways of bringing colour into your world? I'd love to hear about them! Please leave a comment below :)


  1. Color I love to do the subtle color thing light and airy. But my family room breaks the mold of my house there are brown/khaki walls and a colorful rug. I feel like it's a place to not worry about spills. The other parts of my house I TRY to keep a simple color pallette because it feels clean and special to me. I call the family room our cave. . .it is where we do most of the eating in front of the T.V. and sports watching. The other airy rooms are for painting, sewing, dancing (yes I am a kitchen dancer), and playing the piano!

  2. That quilt is gorgeous!!!! I know that will be passed to your children.


Sincere responses . . .