
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Art Every Day Month

The last few days have not been conducive to creating art because I've been in transit so much -- but I have been enjoying some library books about art :) And tonight I had 90 minutes to sit and be creative with some of my mobile supplies (as I waited for children at Awana) -- so here's what I did . . .

The first is a rather random, quirky collage a la Claudine Hellmuth. I couldn't find a suitable woman's head in my limited, portable stash, so this cow's head caught my eye. You probably can't see it too well (even though I highlighted it in pink), but her chin is very hairy -- and that reminded me of the joke my DH made the other day about the hairs on my chin. Her ears are also very hairy (also highlighted in pink), and that reminded my of DH's latest lament about his aging process -- so in general, this cow head made me chuckle. The page I used for her dress brought to mind one of the art books I perused from the library -- Al*pha*bet*i*ca , in which a group of artists explores letters and numbers in an art swap. And since my goal was to complete the Altered Book Yahoo Group's November challenge to use fall colours and elements, I tried to incorporate just that -- though it's rather forced. I started with a background I made a while ago for The Artistic Mother projects, and I wanted to remember that I began with a pizza flyer -- so that's why you see that random bit of pizza pricing at the top left. Oh -- and her arms are made using the eyes of a gorilla!

When I finished with Miss Mooo, I moved on to try an idea that one person reminded me of in a comment here recently -- applying pastels to sandpaper. All I could think of to do was a leaf, so here it is:             

I still had a bit of time left, so I deceded to colour an image transfer I'd done several months back for another AB challenge. I used watercolour pencils and applied water after I'd coloured. Perhaps this little guy will find a place in a collage one of these days.

I'm loving, loving, loving all this artsyness! (Susie F. -- you must come play with me one Wednesday while we wait!) There's lots of writing I should be doing these days, too (DH is being particularly encouraging of that -- for the benefit of myself and others) -- but there just aren't enough hours in the day!

Do you have any quick art ideas that you find both fun and fruitful? I'm always looking for new ideas to make use of those few minutes I can find here and there -- even though my preference would be spending hours on end in the art room!


  1. Thank you, Phyl :) I'm growing rather fond of her myself. She makes me smile:)

  2. Miss Moo is adorable! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. Miss Moo is cracking me up! Love your image transfer, it turned out great.

  4. Love your art! Stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Thank you, kind ladies!! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  6. The leaf is really phenomenal. I had to re-read that section to make sure it was not gold foil or something. hope you have a good Thanksgiving.

  7. Thanks, Jehanne -- it was fun. I think it would be even cooler on black sandpaper.

  8. How cool to be able to create in transit! Cute Miss Moo. Thanks for the link, taht book looks great. :)

  9. These look great. Miss Moo is so cute and fun!

  10. Thank you, Anne! I so appreciate your visits and words of encouragement:)


Sincere responses . . .