
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Art Every Day Month

Tonight was an awesome art night! DD13 and I hit a local coffee shop while the littles were at a program and we sat with our hot drinks, talked, and created art :) DD13 started by just doodling, but when she saw the challenge I'd taken on (Lab 9 of Drawing Lab), she decided to try it, too. The task was to draw a quick portrait of someone using your non-dominant hand. I did two of DD13 -- one of  her looking down while she drew, and the other of her looking up. I like my second attempt much better than my first!

When I'd had enough of drawing with my left hand, I decided to doodle a bird. This little guy was created using brush tip markers -- some of which were Copic markers, which both DD13 and I loved:

Here's DD13's drawing of me using her non-dominant hand:

And when she saw me doodling my little bird, she asked if I minded if she drew one too. Of course, imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I was, well, flattered :)

So, I had a lovely evening of impromptu art with my girl.

Have you had any artful activities that just presented themselves lately? How did they make you feel?


  1. Thank you, dthaase! Did you notice that I linked them up to your Whimsical Wednesday linky party? :)

  2. Drawing with your wrong hand is TOUGH! I've done it now and then and though it it hard it's nice because it really heightens the way you look at things.

    The two of you drew great birds, full of fun colours! You should totally be flattered!

  3. I have enough trouble drawing with my right hand that I can't imagine drawing with the wrong one!

    Love the birdies!

  4. I know what you mean, Anne -- but it was kinda fun:) If nothing more, it was a good excuse for a not-so-good drawing ;)

  5. Aww, what a perfect art date for you two!

  6. What a wonderful date! Love the colours of your birds. :)

  7. oh WOW!! that is amazing, drawing with the wrong hand. And I like the birds- very cool :)


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