
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Art Every Day Month

Maybe I'm just in a funk, but I don't like any of the "art" I'm creating these days. Today I took some time to work on the October 2010 challenge for the Altered Book Yahoo group: "Lunch -- using a paper lunch bag." While I didn't use the theme of lunch, I did use a painted paper lunch bag as a background. All of the layers are random bits of stuff I found in our art room, then I stamped with a "JOY" stamp only cuz that's what I want in my life. No matter that it's all disjointed -- it's just an altered book in which I'm free to play, so it doesn't really matter.

Because it's AEDM, I'm trying to push through and create even when I don't feel like it, and post even when I don't like what I've created.

Are you persevering in something these days, even when you don't feel like it?


  1. I am persevering.. I am doing Nanojoumo.. my post will be up first thing in the morning!

  2. I'm doing an altered book project with my 6th grade students right now, so probably in a week or so I'll be posting the results. I like your altered book attitude! It helps me, because I've been panicking that some of the kids' books look like a real mess and may never get done. But they have LOVED making them no matter how they turned out, so I guess it's all good, right?

  3. We are our own worst critics, so I wouldn't worry too much about if you like it or not. I'm just starting out with the whole "art" thing and I often don't like I'm making but I am putting bits of myself into them in a way I really need to right now and that is worth it, even if I'm not in love with everything I produce. I've been swinging by your blog so many times over the last couple weeks and I know I like what you're making.

  4. Thanks for stopping by, BonnieRose :) I'll have to visit your blog to find out what Nanojoumo is!!! LOL

  5. Phyl -- I forgot about that grade 6 AB project you mentioned a while ago. I'd love to see the pix!

    It is "all good" -- cuz sometimes it's about the process, not the product, right? :)

  6. B -- it's not just the limes that are sweet -- you are, too! Thanks for your words of encouragement. I've been enjoying your work, as well. This AEDM has been a blessing!


Sincere responses . . .