
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Art Every Day Month

Unless you're a reader of CAN'T STOP MAKING THINGS, you might not be able to guess what I created with some white card stock and these:

I dribbled a few drops of each colour of food colouring on the paper, then sprayed everything with water (that happened to be scented with patchouli  -- might as well make it smell nice ;) and got this:

Lovely, eh???? (NOT!) Gail put hers through a shredder -- but my shredder is a cross shredder and, well, actually shreds paper to bits -- so I just used my paper cutter and left about an inch uncut. It would have been easier to use the strips completely cut, but I was afraid I'd mess up the order -- like it mattered! I ended up snipping them all free in the end.

If you haven't already peeked at Gail's blog, have you guessed my plan? Maybe this non-related picture will give you a hint:

Yes, I wove (rather pain-stakingly -- weaving is harder than I remembered!) the paper together to make this:

As I worked, I hoped that I would be able to dig up this old picture frame I knew we had in which I planned to put my finished work:

Kinda cute, eh? The colours are much prettier and more vibrant in real life.

Of course, while I was working, DD8 said, "Oh, I wish  I could do that!" So I gave her some of my cast-off pieces and she did a great job creating this:

Thanks, Gail, for the great idea:)

Has anyone or anything inspired  you lately?


  1. My jaw dropped with these. So close to one of my experiments that I think we've been tuned into a similar neuron channel.

    I love how you wove the strips together it makes a great effect. And the way you worked the colours to begin with is really interesting.

    I've been playing with butterfly paintings (squirt on drops of paint onto the paper then fold the paper in half, squish the paint all over the place, and unfold a butterfly - like the blob paintings the psychiatrists use). I would be interesting to combine that with your technique.

    Thanks for sharing your inspirational stuff :D

    (via AEDM)

  2. Thanks, everyone:)

    Nutty -- I love your butterfly idea:) Did you see my leaf butterfly from a few days ago?

  3. this is beautiful! Such diligence. I admire your patience.

  4. Oh, prettiness, that came out very cool!

  5. I'm going to have to try this, I have some pieces that I was trying to create an effect and was not getting what I wanted. I knew they needed something, and now I know what.

  6. Thank you Heather and Missy:)

    Rennata -- it's an honour to have inspired you! Let me know how it works out for you -- I'd love to see pictures:)

  7. Wow! Those turned out great. I like how you turned something that you were disappointed with into something unexpectedly lovely.

  8. OOooo, fun!! They look great framed. And I love that your daughter got involved too!

  9. That is so cool!! I love the way you painted it with the spray and the way you weaved it!! So darn cool :D

  10. Thank you, Anne, Leah, and Eden! You guys are so encouraging! :)


Sincere responses . . .