
Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Art

The other day, DD8 was not her usual self and wanted to do something special together. So, because we hadn't been down there in a while, we headed to the art room to just be creative -- with no plan in mind. She started out just painting on paper, but when she saw me pull out a canvas to do something I've been thinking about for a year now, she asked if she could use a canvas, too. We happened to have a 99 cent one handy that she'd painted on before -- so I Gessoed over it and she had a fresh start.

We each chose our own acrylic paint colours and set to work. I knew I wanted to use some pressed leaves I'd collected last year to make a little fall collage; she knew she wanted to paint. When I pulled out my collection of leaves, she used some in her own way -- which happened to be the same way I planned ;-)

Here is her finished product:

And mine:

Have you found any fun ways to make use of leaf collections? I'd love to hear your ideas because I still have lots of pressed leaves! (For some reason I only collected red ones, though!)

I linked this post to:


  1. This is so beautiful! I love the movement! I would keep it up for all seasons! Thanks for your comment on Blue it means a lot. There seems to be a season for everything. It is hard to accept but we keep trying.

  2. Thank you, Erica:)

    I know what you mean about Blue. We lost a dear little ferret this week, too. Although we only had him for a year, he was a sweetie, and it really hurt to lose him. Time will heal the wounds, but the scars remain, right?

  3. These turned out beautifully! Isn't it fun when they want to work along side us?

  4. Thank you, K-Sue :) Yes, it's especially fun when they can do it independently! Outside of priming the canvas for her, DD8 did it all on her own, right down to getting her own glue for the leaves. I might have suggested something different if she'd asked for assistance (or if I wasn't so engrossed in my own work), but I was happy to see her solving her own problems :)

  5. Sorry to hear about your pet ferret what a week! We'll keep on keepin on. It helps to have a creative outlet for sure!

  6. Clever use of the pressed leaves. Thanks for sharing! The foliage changing is one of the things that I miss living in Florida.

  7. Thank you, Kelly :) I just wish I'd collected a wider variety of colours!

  8. This is absolutely beautiful. I wish you could do one for me §;-)

    So clever idea.

    Have a happy day, girl & enjoying the week-end ahead.


  9. Chie -- Thank you -- I've never had anyone express a desire to have some of my art work!

    I can tell you how to make one if you'd like to do it yourself -- just swirl some paint on a canvas and glue some leaves on it, then cover the whole thing in glue to make it glossy :)Easy peasy!

  10. How pretty! I'm impressed that you made this!

  11. Thank you, Lauren :) It was actually pretty easy -- and fun:)


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