
Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Musings on the Creator in Me

I don't know what it's like where you are, but where I live, the air is getting crisp, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are beginning to change colour. We have just completed Amanda Bennett's "Autumn Treasures" unit and are getting geared up for one of my favourite seasons -- fall. So, it's appropriate that the theme for this week at HSB is "Autumn"!

Perhaps it's because God's creativity and wonder of design is so evident this season -- with trees bursting into flame, monarch butterflies and geese mysteriously navigating their way thousands of miles to their southern habitats, and the animal kingdom (including humans) instinctively preparing for the cold, dark winter ahead -- that I usually feel compelled to exercise some creativity in the fall. I dread the end of summer with an intensity that affects my body, mind, and emotions; but once I've accepted its departure, I find myself welcoming the coolness and colours of the changing season. I am inspired to give expression to the Creator in me, and use the lovely, rich colours and textures to adorn my home and to create seasonal memories for my family.

Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up in just three weeks, so it is at the forefront of our minds as we anticipate what the season holds. Of course, we usually surround ourselves with family, and often friends, and bear witness to the verse in Acts 14: "[He] gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness" (vs. 17). "Fruitful seasons" . . . hearts full of "food and gladness" . . . those are some of the things we're thankful for as we enjoy this autumn season. Just to give you a glimpse of how we go about making memories at our home, here are some of the traditional sweets that grace our Thanksgiving table:

I know it's early for some of you to be thinking of Thanksgiving, but what are some special traditions that you have created to make memories for your family? They could be food related -- or activity related -- or maybe they are book related. For DD8 and me, reading Cranberry Thanksgiving and making cranberry loaf is a tradition we started a few years ago.

God gave us so many wonderful foods to relish and enjoy, and if He prepares a table for His beloved ones in the presence of their enemies (Psalm 23), surely He means for us to feast together with friends and family.

And just as He adorns His creation with beautiful colours and textures, I suspect He is pleased to see us reveling in those same colours and textures as we bring beauty to our home environment. Have you established some favourite ways to decorate your home in ways that reflect the season? When we moved to our current home, which has a partial wrap-around porch, I was excited about how that space could be used to reflect the seasons. Summer decor is probably my favourite, because the hanging baskets of flowers create a fragrant "room divider" effect, so that we have a private haven to enjoy on summer mornings and evenings. But in autumn, I have also taken to using dried cornstalks and hay bales with a plethora of mums and gourds to create some porch prettiness.

I admit -- I'm no Martha Stewart -- but I do enjoy bringing bits of beauty to my home for my family and others to enjoy. My husband does, too! See that wreath on the door? He made it -- and won a first place ribbon for it at a local fair! :)

I truly believe that making our homes havens of loveliness, comfort, and peace is a means of allowing the Creator to work in and through us. So this week I challenge you, dear reader, to find ways to bring the glory of God's great creation into your home and celebrate all that is autumn.

To get you started, let me share some inspirational links with you . . .

For Thanksgiving decor ideas, try:

HGTV Thanksgiving Decorating Ideas

Inspiring Ideas (Jeanne Winters)

For general autumn decor inspiration, try:

Far Above Rubies

CSI (Create Something Inspiring) Project Links

Thrifty Decor Chick (Fall Inspiration Link-up)

Please share any of your own ideas by leaving a comment, perhaps with a link that will "show" as well as tell :)

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