
Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Musings on the Creator in Me

I'm just taking a little break from our busy day at Learners for Life Academy to tell you some exciting news . . .

I am a columnist!!!!!

After submitting a proposal, I have recently been invited to write a weekly column for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's blog, On the Company Porch at Homeschool Blogger. I will be posting my column here on my blog as well, but since today's post is just an introduction to me, and you all kinda already have at least an inkling about me, I thought I'd just tell you the news. If you'd like to see it, click HERE.

I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to spread my creative wings a bit and do some things I love to do -- write, be creative, and challenge others to see the Creator in themselves!

I hope you'll join me weekly for "Monday Musings on the Creator in Me" -- because you, too, are

Created 2B Creative!  


Sincere responses . . .