
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Special Offer

I don't know how many of my readers are homeschoolers, but over the last few years,The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, a wonderful resource for homeschoolers, has become my favourite magazine. My mom loves it, too -- and she's not even a homeschooler! She even asks to borrow almost every issue, which, I'll be honest, is hard for me to allow simply because I'm afraid I'll need it while she has it! Each issue is full of heart-felt encouragement, wise counsel, helpful reviews, and tons of rich information, including lots of links to educational resources. And it's not just a magazine -- it's a connection to a network of homeschoolers, new and veteran, from all over the world. I love the fact that the people who publish and write for the magazine are fellow homeschoolers who are willing to share their hearts and homes with their audience. They're people who are accessible -- people who interact personally with their readers. And not only do they offer a great magazine each season, they offer freebies and newsletters and additional resources throughout the year, including online conferences! I'm telling you -- there's a lot of bang for your buck with this magazine.

For that reason, I wanted to share their current offer with you -- available to both American AND Canadian subscribers (It used to be that we Canadians had to pay much more!):

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is extending an extraordinary subscription offer to homeschool families. Receive a one-year print subscription for just $7.95 or a one-year plus current issue subscription for $12.95. One-year subscriptions start with the winter issue. The one-year plus current issue starts with the fall issue.

Only 5000 of these special subscriptions are available from August 31through midnight on September 15. Once the 5000 are gone, they’re gone!

Hurry and grab this crazy price today!

I will receive a generous freebie for telling you about this offer -- but my praise of the magazine is genuine. I truly think it's a wonderful resource and highly recommend it to anyone who might even just be thinking about homeschooling. It will be money well-spent, and it will inspire you to be the best, most creative homeschooler you can be!

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