
Monday, July 19, 2010

Creativity Vision Banner

I'm working my way through The Artistic Mother, and this week's project was to create a banner about my artistic vision and goals. It's kind of a unique project -- I've never made a fabric banner before, and it was kinda fun putting text over some photos for my vision statement and goals. The goals are detachable so that they can be updated whenever I want.

Once again, it's a little "busier" than I had envisioned -- but I like the eclectic nature of it. (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.)

Prior to working my way through this book, I NEVER would have thought about establishing a vision statement about my creativity, or even setting long-term creative goals for myself. Have you thought about doing it? For what other areas of life might you consider creating a vision statement and goals?

I linked this post at:


Check out the other great creations there!


  1. So unique. Thanks for sharing at Socialize with me Monday til Sunday.

    Can't wait to see more from you :)

  2. Thanks for coming by, Audra -- and for hosting SWMMTS:)


Sincere responses . . .