
Saturday, June 26, 2010

AB Group - June Challenge

This month's challenge for the Altered Book yahoo group was, well, a challenge for me: the idea was to use only white to create a spread. I thought about it all month long, but had a hard time coming up with an idea. But it's almost the end of June, and I really wanted to make myself do it -- so I just started working on it today. I didn't have a plan at all. I flipped through some old Victoria magazines looking for some inspiration, and while I found many lovely white things, I decided I didn't want to do a spread of just a bunch of magazine cut-outs. My eye caught a stash of white tissue paper, so I started with my old paint and tissue paper routine that I've done a few times now (the same process I used to create the background for my altered journal). The top coat I used was a "metallic pearl oyster" which I quite liked, and the way I'd torn the paper reminded me of a butterfly -- and that was the inspiration I needed! (And of course I thought of you, Susie-Q C. ;) Using vellum, gel pens, pipe cleaners (the authentic ones that actually say "pipe cleaners" on the package! ;) and beads, I created this butterfly and found a perfect quote to accompany it:

I would like the butterfly to have been more "wowish" -- but that just wasn't happening with my brain power. Any thoughts on how to embellish it more with just white?

While I was creating, DS3 created his own challenges by designing and creating a "crapbook" (his word -- not mine ;) and wrapping a bunny in a tissue:

(Oh -- he also painted a picture for daddy, but I forgot to photograph that!)

Are there any creative challenges with which you've been presented and you didn't know where to start? What did you do to get the creative juices flowing?

What do your children do while you take time to be creative?


  1. Hey (hey) Paula (haha)-
    Love your response to this challenge! I think it looks fab just the way it is. Your son looks happy to be creative too! Keep on creating.....

  2. LOL -- it's been a while since I've been reminded of that song ;)

    I'm glad you like it, Darrelyn:) I'm starting to realize the truth of the old adage that the process is more important than the product. I'm so enjoying the creative process these days, and while my initial response to the product is usually satisfaction, I quickly begin to feel less enamoured of my product and ready to just move on to something else. So, while today I look at what I was pleased with yesterday and say, "Anh (how do you spell that sound??!?) -- that's kinda lame," I feel motivated to try my hand at another creative challenge.

    But the kind words of people like you help me to accept the idea that "I am an artist" and feel good about my work even if I become overly aware of its deficiencies.

    Thanks for stopping by again:) I love having visitors!

  3. Cool butterfly in the journal idea! Very neat.

  4. :) Love the kiddo's name for his book. Amazing what kids will say. I love your white pages the transformation is great to see. thanks for sharing your creativity and the process you took to get to the end product!

  5. I love your butterfly! And your little boy is cute :)

  6. Thank you Zora, Stephanie, and RWJ -- I appreciate your encouraging words :)

  7. Nice post about for all creative children, it helps a lot in how to guide our child's in their creativity stage. Hope to see more soon, Thanks!

  8. Thanks for stopping by "creative children" -- come again :)


Sincere responses . . .