
Friday, May 28, 2010

Creative Money-Makers

I don't think it was about the money -- I think it was more about the fun of making a special drink and offering it to passersby . . .

My Sweet, Sweet Petunia ( aka DD8 -- Does anyone know the source of that pet name? I think someone with the initials SD does -- but I don't know if she reads this blog. But I digress!;) and her friend were looking for some excitement on a hot May day last weekend and asked if they could set up a lemonade stand. I only had real (and expensive!) lemons (have you heard something like this before?!?!?!?) and none of the cheap frozen stuff, so I said, "No -- another time." The disappointment was visible and audible, though fairly controlled ;) -- and it suddenly occurred to me that homemade iced tea was a more reasonable option. Spirits soared again, and the girls busied themselves finding cups and making signs and dumping brown sugar (we ran out of white) and ice into pitchers of tea. When Daddy offered them a special little brass stamp holder for a cash register, they just about went out of their skin with excitement.

Here they are running their little stand out on the sidewalk:

And enjoying a little bit of the fruits of their labour:

What creative ways do your children find to spend a sweltering day? What creative ways do they find to earn a little cash? (DS11 is especially interested in the answer to that one -- he wants to save for an ipod!)


  1. Cute, my daughter (5 years old) has been asking to do a lemonade stand too. I might just have to let her one weekend!

  2. In case you dont' get my e-mail (tried to send it twice) the word Favorite in my Decor Element projects you left a comment on earlier, comes from a set by Stampin' Up!--Define My Lfe. Thanks for the comment. Look forward to seeing your projects again soon. Nola--inkonmypaws

  3. April -- I'm sure she'll have a blast! Thanks for stopping by:)

    njburk -- I look forward to seeing some more of your projects, too! I thought of you last night as I put some raffle tickets in for a SU! package :) Alas, I did not win it. Oh well!

  4. oh my gosh, that is the sweetest thing...i totally remember doing the same kind of thing


Sincere responses . . .