
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loving Learning

We awoke to a beautiful, sunshiny day this morning, and I decided it was time to do some creative learning outdoors with my youngest daughter, who feels most comfortable moving and making noise outside anyway.

First, though, she had to spend some time with the bunnies. She couldn't quite understand why I didn't want her to drink any more of her tea after she'd let them lick the spoon -- even though she'd let them lick the handle end of the spoon while she used the other end :)

Once we were outside, we did some math --

And some spelling . . . I took a little video of her hopping to spell out words, but I can't figure out how to upload it! :(

Wait -- I managed to put it at the bottom of this post. I'll have to learn how to manipulate video in here!
Some copy work:

Some reading on the porch, with "The Beast" (aka "Prince Caspian") listening nearby --

And some impromptu science, in which she was trying to determine why one wheel on her bike spun on its own for longer than another. ("And how does that wheel spin by itself, anyway??") In the spirit of creativity, I decided to try capturing the moment in the reflection of the van --

My little one said it was soooooooo much fun doing her independent work this way -- and wonders if we can do it again tomorrow:)

Are there any fun ways that your children learn important stuff?


  1. What a great day of learning outdoors...I love are such a fun and loving teacher! xo


Sincere responses . . .