
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bring Spring Inside

Do you have strong memory connections to seasonal things? One childhood memory I have is of my mother collecting branches of pussy willows and forsythia in the spring to decorate a table here or there. The other day, while out for our "Morning Glory Walk," my littles and I came across some pussy willows at the park. They immediately thought of doing disection science experiments; I thought of my mother, and bringing spring into the house.

Here are the scientists exploring creation:

(Safety goggles are very important for such endeavours ;)

Here is my bit of beauty:
(BTW -- There's the lovely quilt I told you about in another post that my dear friend Susan made for us:)

I also put a smaller sprig on my kitchen table, but I had trouble getting a good photo with all the light from the walk-out. You get the idea though, right? ;)

How do you enjoy spring inside?


  1. I remember pussy willows in vases like that too! :) I haven't seen any around here - they are sooo soft eh?

    Great goggles! :)

    I've brought spring inside with a bouquet of spring flowers given to me (huge surprise!) for accompanying a little girl as she played her first cornet (trumpet) solo last night. I love flowers - spring or otherwise! :)

  2. I love having flowers in the house, too. Right now there are some lovely red gerbers on the front hall table. I thought of posting a picture, but they're in front of a mirror, and I couldn't figure out how to get a good shot without me in it!!! LOL (Of course I could move them, but there's nowhere else they'd look quite so nice!)


Sincere responses . . .