
Monday, March 15, 2010

Artistic Endeavours

I thought I would jump-start my blog by posting some of the art work I've done over the last year or so. It's not a lot . . . but it's the start of my life as an artist -- or at least the start of my life VIEWING myself as an artist :)

At our children's annual bake exchange, my oldest daughter's group made what we called "Glamour Globes" with styrofoam balls, scraps of fabric, thread, ribbon, and dangly stones. This is the one I made as a sample.
(December 2008)

DD1 received a book about making collages for her birthday last year. It looked pretty cool, so while my girls were doing some crafty stuff, I decided to try my hand at some of the techniques. The saying is not an expression of my personal feelings, but rather what I imagined the stressed-out mama cat thinking as she watched her noisy kittens. Besides, her ears wouldn't fit on my little dollar store canvas, so I thought a quotation that related to ears was apt;)

This altered book (my first) is the product of my "art date" with my Valentine. It's entitled "Story Starter." You finish the story . . . ;)
(February 2009)

I enjoyed making my first little kitten collage so much that I decided to make one for my beloved for Valentine's Day :) The text is a Shakespearean sonnet that made me smile when I thought about how it applied to us. The background was the most fun -- creating texture with acrylics and plastic wrap.

The wire cross was a simple ornament I made to accompany a "random act of kindness" last Easter (2009). I'm sure I saw the idea online somewhere, but I'm afraid I don't remember where . . . (Oh! here it is! )

 Finally -- just a little blown egg with tissue pape rmache and a few pearls (perched on a small vase for the photo). I try to find new ways to decorate eggs with my children each year, and this is what we did last year (2009). Very sticky process -- but pretty. I was inspired by this post over at Inspiring Ideas.

BTW -- do you have have any great ideas for Easter art/crafts that help reflect the true significance of the celebration?

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